Unrest in Kano Following Niger Coup, Military Headquarters Issues Warning to Coup Supporters






Outrage over the planned military intervention targeting coup plotters in Niger Republic escalated as demonstrators from Niger besieged the Nigerian Embassy in Niamey, the nation’s capital.

Protesters, angered by Nigeria’s involvement in the proposed kinetic action by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to reinstate ousted President Mohammed Bouzum, gathered outside the embassy located on Boulevard des Ambassades.



Amidst chants of anti-military action songs, the protesters, adorned with Nigerien flags and placards, paraded the city of Kano in a display of solidarity. Placards bore messages such as “War against Niger is unjust,” “The role of America,” “The influence of Western powers,” “Our pursuit is Islam,” “Our demand is justice,” and “Niger belongs to us.”



In response, the Nigerian Ambassador to Niger refuted claims circulating in a viral video suggesting the embassy had been set ablaze by furious demonstrators. A statement by Liti Auwalu on behalf of the Nigerian Ambassador clarified that while protesters attempted to breach the embassy’s premises, the Nigerien military and police effectively managed the situation, ensuring the embassy’s security.

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